Thursday, April 29, 2021

Sad News

So, I know I haven't posted anything in a while.  First, I was trying to learn the V4 Alpha rules and decide how much I liked them and if I could even run a game using them.

Then, just as I was getting ready to start posting Alpha rules-based stuff, the Beta came out, so I went back to square one.

Then, yesterday, April 28, 2021, my wife of 35 years, Leah, passed away, completely unexpectedly and after only a brief (2 day) illness.  Needless to say my life has been shattered and I just can't see playing T2K anytime soon.

In a very real sense, Leah made T2K fun for me back in the V1 days.  She wasn't interested in playing, but she loved hosting the games and listening to the stories our group created.  Her after-game critiques helped me be a better T2K referee.

Ultimately, she did become a Dungeon Master for several years, and was a far better DM/GM than I was.  She was never going to be interested in PLAYING T2K, but she was looking forward to hosting games and even attending conventions, both RPG-related and wargame related.  

I look forward to resuming gaming and writing, but I have no idea when that will happen, or even if it WILL happen.  Please stand by.

1 comment:

Lee said...

You have my condolences and prayers; I'm so sorry to hear this news.

Still Alive and Gaming

 So, I actually played a game of T2K (V4) at the Philadelphia Area Gaming Expo (PAGE 2). The referee and the other players were excellent. I...