Monday, January 6, 2020

Orders from Headquarters

Weekly Report
Alpha Platoon, Romeo (Recon) Company, 2nd Battalion
197th Infantry Brigade (Mechanized)
“Blake’s Raiders”
Captain Kemp Blake, US Army, Commanding
Geeter Primary School
Shelby Road and Horn Lake Road
Memphis, Tennessee
07-13 July, 2030

In accordance with OPORD 197-2030-07-14 of 03 July, 2030, I provisioned and equipped my platoon for an extended reconnaissance, security, repatriation, and salvage (RS2) mission of the area south of Memphis, along and to the east of Interstate 55.  The platoon departed our catonment at the Geeter Primary School as scheduled on Monday, 08 July with an expected duration of no less than 30 days and no more than 120 days, per the OPORD.

Commander’s expressed intent was to:

Locate survivors

  • Encourage unskilled and minimally skilled survivors and their families to remain in situ
  • Encourage skilled survivors and their families, especially farmers and mechanics, to relocate and repatriate within the protected environs of the Memphis bastion in order to expand food and industrial production in support of continued 5th Army and 197IB (M) missions.
  • The location of unskilled survivors, as well as those skilled survivors unwilling to relocate and repatriate shall be recorded and routed to 197IB (M) G-9 upon the completion of the platoon’s mission

Evaluate Infrastructure
  • Evaluate and record the condition of roads, bridges, and other infrastructure and route said information to 197IB (M) G3/4/5 upon the completion of the platoon’s mission.  Limited repairs may be made at the discretion of the platoon leader.

Evaluate Marauder Threat
  • Locate all marauder groups operating in the area.
  • As the platoon leader feels is appropriate, engage and suppress said marauders to improve the security environment for the 5th Army in general and the 197IB (M) in particular.
  • Any groups that cannot be safely engaged are to be avoided and reported to 197IB (M) G-2/3/5 via radio.
Locate Valuable Salvage 
  • Locate any valuable salvage materials 
  • Take immediate possession of such portable materials that may be, in the platoon leaders’s opinion, safely transported by Alpha Platoon.
  • Immediately report, via radio, to 197IB (M) G-4, the location of any salvage that Alpha Platoon cannot transport that is, in the platoon leader’s opinion, of sufficient value to warrant an immediate salvage mission.  Livestock, especially animals capable of reproducing are considered especially valuable.
  • Record the location of any salvage that Alpha Platoon cannot transport that is, in the platoon leader’s opinion, of sufficient value to warrant a future salvage mission.  Said records are to be routed to 197IB (M) G-4, upon the completion of the platoon’s mission.
  • Destroy any weaponry, military vehicles, ammunition, or other militarily-useful salvage that cannot be safely transported or secured by a future salvage mission.

Radio communication with 197IB (M) shall be limited to weekly location and status checks, except as provided above.

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