Monday, October 14, 2024

Time Flies, Whether You're Having Fun or Not

 Hard to believe that it's been over three years since I last posted here.

LOTS of changes.

It's now 41 months since Leah died.

I'm still not in a place, emotionally, to play or referee T2K.  Maybe I will be in the future, but almost certainly not in the NEAR future...

I have remarried and moved.  My new wife, Joanne, is a wonderful woman.  I think Leah would have liked her.  We spent about a year getting to know one another and making sure that our lives and households could be merged and meshed.  We each sold our own homes and bought a new house together.

Moving, of course is difficult and stressful, especially as an adult with a house full of stuff.  I still remember being able to pack all of my personal possessions (sans furniture) in a single car!  I know my gaming stuff would fill more than one car, now.

I did move further away from my office, so I am planning to retire in two years, when I turn 62, which is about six years earlier than I had thought I would.  But, I am fortunate to be in a financial situation that will allow me to retire on my own schedule, and I'm aware of increasing health issues as I get older, so I want to be able to enjoy my 'golden years' for as long as I can.  Maybe once I retire, I will start a T2K game up.

I did attend Traveller Con in Lancaster, PA this past weekend.  My new house is close enough to Lancaster that I was able to drive up on Saturday, just for the day.  I had a great time catching up with old friends and making a few new ones.  I hope to run a game or two next year.

If you aren't aware, the Traveller and T2K IP have been sold by Marc Miller to Mongoose Publishing in the UK.  Mongoose has been doing their own, licensed, version of Traveller for many years now, and they have been producing supplements on a regular basis.  Mongoose has said that they will continue to license T2K to Free League Publishing.  Mongoose is also licensing Traveller miniatures to 2nd Dynasty, which is producing a variety of miniatures and vehicles for 3d printing and tabletop wargaming, as well as ships in a variety of scales for tabletop gaming.  They've also done a Type S Scout and a BEOWOLF-class free trader for 28mm tabletop gaming.  They have been successfully crowdfunding Traveller projects, including one that just funded a week or so ago...

Another reason I haven't been writing or gaming is that Joanne and I are having major projects done around the house, only one of which is completely finished.  Three are still in progress and three more (one small and two large) haven't even started yet.  All of the projects ran, or are running FAR behind schedule, so the stress of work going on, finding problems with work that was done, or waiting for work to be done, isn't really helping...

Otherwise, my life is fine.  I am mostly content and often happy, two states of mind that I would have thought unobtainable 41 months ago.

Stay tuned.

Time Flies, Whether You're Having Fun or Not

 Hard to believe that it's been over three years since I last posted here. LOTS of changes. It's now 41 months since Leah died. I...